
A Voice Discovered is a 501 (c) 3 Non-Profit Organization (Tax ID # 46-3641066) that was started in 2013 by Traci Peplinski, a speech and language pathologist specializing in working with people with complex communication needs.   A generous donation from James and Devron Neill was used to start A Voice Discovered. 

A Voice Discovered provides education, funding assistance, support and advocacy for people with complex communication needs.   A Voice Discovered is an all volunteer run organization  including board members who are parents of those who use AAC.  

A Voice Discovered supports those with complex communication needs primarily in Ventura County through our grant program, free workshops, equipment lending library, parent/caregiver support group, social events and a week long AAC summer day camp for school aged children who use AAC.  

We believe that all people, regardless of the severity of their disability have the right to have access to proper technology, therapy, and support to be able to communicate to the best of their ability. 

"Communication is the Essence of Human Life" -- Janice Light