The term technology when referring to AAC can be misleading. "Technology" for AAC can include Low-tech options, Mid/Light-tech and High-tech options. Some Low-tech options may be as simple as a board with picture symbols. Many times AAC systems may include both Low-tech and High-tech. We must keep in mind that AAC is a system and many times a person with complex communication needs will need a variety of options to meet his/her needs (e.g., picture binder, voice output device, gestures, facial expressions, etc.). Determining what types of technology (e.g., Low-tech vs. Mid/Light-tech vs. High-tech) a person needs is part of the AAC assessment.
Tablets, iPads and AAC Apps are now a part of AAC technology and depending on how they are used or what communication App is being used can be considered either Mid/Light-tech or High-tech.
For some people accessing a communication system will be as simple as touching the screen. There are
others for whom accessing a communication system by touching the screen is not an option. People
with Cerebral Palsy, for example, may not be able to touch the screen of a device or touch a picture on a
communication board. For these people with difficulty accessing a communication system,
there are many alternatives available that would allow them to access the device. These will be
discussed in more depth in the Access Methods section.