Voice Options Program

The Voice Options Program is funded by the Department of Rehabilitation's Voice Options Program from a grant through the California Public Utilities Commission.     

How it Works

1.  Schedule a free phone or zoom consultation with our director Traci Peplinski or grant coordinator April Callis to determine if Voice Options is a good fit and what supports and/or resources you might need.  

Email:  traci@avoicediscovered.com 


Call: (805) 651-3906 

2.  If Voice Options is determined to be a good fit, next you will schedule an AAC Demonstration.  This can be a live or virtual demonstration to learn about the different apps available through the Voice Options program.  During the demonstration you will set up a Short Term Loan to borrow an iPad with communication apps.  

3.  Borrow an AAC device (e.g., an iPad with various communication apps) for up to 2 weeks (longer if needed) to determine if it is the best option for the AAC-user.  A Voice Discovered will also provide necessary accessories as needed (e.g., keyguards, stylus, mount, switches and switch interfaces).  

4.  Exchange the Short Term Loan device for an iPad of your own with the preferred communication app.

5.  A Voice Discovered believes in the importance of proper and thorough AAC evaluations as well as support and training once a person has their AAC system.   By participating in the Voice Options Program, you will receive support for the initial demonstration and set-up of the Short Term Loan as well as support and training for set-up and implementation once you receive your own iPad with communication app from a licensed Speech and Language Pathologist with AAC Experience .   You can also apply for an A Voice Discovered Grant if additional training and services are needed.