Lending Library
We are pleased to announce that because of generous donations made by families and the community we have the beginnings of an AAC lending library. The purpose of the lending library is to provide families/caregivers/support staff and local therapists with access to AAC systems and related equipment to borrow and trial before making a purchase or pursuing funding for an item. AAC systems and equipment can be very expensive and A Voice Discovered wants to assist families/caregivers/support staff and therapists in making informed decisions. All items will be available for a month to month trial on a first come first serve basis. AVD can also help connect you with other organizations that lend equipment. Please contact AVD with questions or for information info@avoicediscovered.com
There are also state organizations as well as device companies who will loan equipment. If A Voice Discovered does not have the equipment you are looking for please email or call us and someone will contact you to with information about lending sources that will meet your needs.
We will be adding to our library each year. We accept donations of previously used AAC systems (e.g., speech generating devices, iPads, iPad cases, iPad speakers), related equipment (e.g., switches, mounting systems, switch activated toys, joysticks, mice, etc.) and cause and effect toys. We are also looking for input from the community for items to add to our library.